Welcome to Animals Of Paradise.
My name is Hamidu Williams. I founded Animals Of Paradise in November 2014. In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I created Animals Of Paradise because I find out that ex-pats need a brand that represent's them in a simplistic, yet powerful way.
For us clothing is not just an accessory, or a random material with good design, rather it has a function and symbol, with consideration of quality and design. For us, it’s about using materials that will last the test of time and last you a minimum of 3 years or more.
The materials we use are not just chosen, we thoroughly test for multiple parameters to make sure our garments will be able to withstand different conditions in multiple climates & things such as washing sweating, durability ).
We designed our products to be functional as well, let’s take the Ambassador hoodie for example, the first ones were made with 100 percent cotton it has a zippered pouch. inside this pouch has two waterproof pockets that fit a smartphone, capacity of carrying up to 1 pound.
Our mission statement is ‘Made by the Journey"
Mobile Device Video Link below
Phases of each of the slogans that we've evolved from: Stories and Animals Of Paradise.
Full standarghhjhd video
Let's look at our History
Before we talk about the future, lets talk about our history.
Our 1st production order that we made was in 2016, 100 shirts, manufactured in America, customers who bought those shirts are still wearing them today, globaly. A testament to quality.
In October 4, 2018, we created "The Return of Extinction" collection, this collection was manufactured in Pakistan. Pakistan is one of the biggest cotton producer in the world, additionally, We were able to create garments with such exceptional quality.
In 2021 we launched our 1st limited collection of hats/baseball caps/ snapbacks. These hats were made of a nonloy type of textile made using post consumer recycled plastic. The Sericein keeps its clean, fresh and most of all, sustainable.
In March 29, 2021 we as a company made a difficult decision based on what's going on around the world, and seeing what fast fasion has done to the consumer market as well as the negtive effects on the planet.
We decided to start creating products in the direction of luxury sustainability.
Now that's super vague. And we know. we have no intention of white washing or green washing.
We do the best we can with our growing resources to verfiy what our manufactures create, where & how the materials are produced, and we will provide documentation when we can.
Though sustainability this is no easy task, we are committed to it.
In 2021, we committed to 10 percent of our products being made of sustainable materials. Overall more then 75 percent of the products that were made in 2021 were made out of sustainability materials, and were made by people getting fair (based on the counrty Doha, Qatar considers) fair wages.
[Below is me, preparing my garments and models for a photoshoot off the latest collection.]